
Queries are the backbone of your site. From search, to blogs, to products listings and more, they power your website in many different ways.

With Search & Filter, you can select the different queries across your site, choose to modify them, and attach fields such as search and filters to them (optional).

The most important first step is to choose which query you want to integrate with.

Integrate with a query

The first step is to create a query integration.

  • Head to the Queries tab in the Search & Filter dashboard.
  • Then Add New.
  • You’ll be presented with query integration options.

Single Post/Page/CPT

These include queries that are embedded in a single post. We support:

  • Query Block
  • WooCommerce Products Query block
  • Custom (Pro)
  • Shortcodes (Pro)


Archives can include your:

  • Blog listing
  • Tags and categories
  • Custom post types
  • Custom taxonomies

More information about archive queries.

Search (default)

Every WordPress website comes with a search results list – it is located at a URL like:


The addition of the ?s in the URL that triggers the search behaviour of your site.

WooCommerce Shop

If you have WooCommerce enabled, you’ll see the option to integrate with your WooCommerce shop.

The shop page usually resides at a URL like:


This can be changed in the WooCommerce configuration.